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serum iron中文是什么意思

用"serum iron"造句"serum iron"怎么读"serum iron" in a sentence


  • 血清铁


  • Research on changes principles of iron metabolism indexes of athletic low haemoglobin serum of rats , covelline albumen in tissues , and blood serum iron
  • The results showed that part of the pregnant women had an abnormal level of serum iron , zinc , calcium , magnesium , phosphorus , especially the low level of zinc and calcium
  • It concluded should periodically examine the level o the pregnant women ' s serum iron , zinc , calcium , magnesium , phosphorus , and adopt medical measure necessary to keep them in the normal level for the heath of the pregnant women and the neonates
  • This kind of anaemic characteristic is iron of keep in storage of the lack in organ of marrow , liver , lienal etc , organization , serum iron chroma and serum iron degree of saturation all low , the red blood cell in blood of the loop in typical case presents pigment the expression with low , small cell
  • To analysis the level of the serum iron , zinc , calcium , magnesium , phosphorus of the pregnant woman in order to make the health care work of pregnant women much better and increase the health level of the neonates , 125 pregnant women were selected to check out their level of the serum iron , zinc , calcium , magnesium , phosphorus
用"serum iron"造句  



Serum iron is a medical laboratory test that measures the amount of circulating iron that is bound to transferrin. Clinicians order this laboratory test when they are concerned about iron deficiency, which can cause anemia and other problems.
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